Navigating health and social service reform Community Sector

Navigating health and social service reform

Navigating health and social service reform was prepared by VCOSS in conjunction with Loddon Mallee PCP and the Victorian PCPs. It has been adapted by the Victorian PCPs to support PCPs across the state to assist their partner organisations to navigate the shifting sands of the health and social reform environment.

Change has been constant for health and social service organisations for many years as governments shift policies and outsource service delivery. Health and social services are required to be more responsive to their service users, communities and funding bodies. At the same time funding has remained tight and demand for services from people with a range of complex needs continues to grow.

Despite all the changes, health and social service organisations’ governance bodies and managers are adapting and developing their organisations while continually aiming to produce better results for their service users and communities. This document aims to assist them better understand the complex and changing operating environment so they can respond in a planned and proactive way.