Retail electricity pricing Cost of Living

Retail electricity pricing

VCOSS is very pleased the ACCC is undertaking this inquiry and exercising its powers to compel information from retailers.

We are particularly looking forward to the analysis of what people are actually paying for electricity, and ideally a socio-economic analysis of this data.

This VCOSS response outlines the particular analysis we would like to see in the final report, including:

  • Retail costs and margins
  • Passing on wholesale cost reductions
  • Distribution of energy offers and pricing—what are low-income and vulnerable households paying for electricity?
  • Comparison rates
  • Brokerage and automated switching services
  • Pay-on-time discounts
  • Lower-priced energy offer for low-income and vulnerable households
  • Other forms of price regulation
  • Benefit periods
  • Best practice concessions policy.